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StuckGuys is a forum for people with a stuck/spinning fetish. This involves usually guys spinning or getting their vehicle stuck in mud/snow/sand or anything else. Everyone is welcome here. If your interested in stuck females check out StuckWorld

The Pickup Truck and the Biker

Stuck stories
  • The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden glow over the open fields as Marc followed closely behind Jake. The two friends were making their way down a dirt road that stretched endlessly through the flat, rural countryside. Tall grasses swayed gently in the breeze, and the occasional farmhouse dotted the horizon. Marc, a lean guy in his late twenties, was behind the wheel of his old pickup truck, while Jake, his muscular friend, rode ahead on his motorcycle. They had been on this road for what felt like hours, heading toward the farm of one of Jake’s friends for a weekend of relaxation.

    The dirt road beneath them was caked in mud, a reminder of the days of rain that had drenched the area. Marc had been cautious about the road conditions ever since they left the paved highway, but Jake seemed unbothered. He powered ahead on his bike, his muscular body leaning into the turns as he navigated the increasingly slippery road.

    Marc admired Jake’s confidence, even though he could feel his own nerves creeping in. The tires of his pickup occasionally slipped in the mud, making him grip the steering wheel a little tighter. Despite the difficult conditions, the drive had been mostly smooth until now.

    Suddenly, up ahead, Jake’s motorcycle hit a particularly thick patch of mud. The back wheel spun wildly, throwing up clumps of dirt, but the bike didn’t move forward. Jake revved the engine, but the tire just spun, digging deeper into the mud with each attempt. The roar of the engine cut through the quiet countryside, but it was clear the motorcycle wasn’t going anywhere.

    Marc slowed the truck and pulled over next to Jake, leaning out of the window. "Everything good?"

    Jake, frustration etched on his face, revved the engine one more time before cutting it off. "Not really. This mud’s way thicker than I thought."

    "Don’t worry, I’ll drive ahead and get the towing rope," Marc said, trying to sound reassuring. He shifted the truck into gear and pressed down on the gas, but as soon as he tried to move, the back tires spun helplessly in the mud. The truck lurched slightly, but it didn’t budge.

    "Dammit," Marc muttered. He tried again, giving it a bit more gas this time, but it was no use. The more he tried, the deeper the tires sank into the mud.

    Jake climbed off his motorcycle, walking over to Marc’s truck. "Looks like we’re both stuck."

    "Yeah, no kidding," Marc replied with a nervous laugh. He could feel his frustration rising as the situation became more hopeless. They were out in the middle of nowhere, miles from the nearest town, with nothing but muddy fields and endless sky around them.

    Jake stood next to the truck, wiping sweat from his brow. The humidity in the air didn’t help, and his clothes were sticking to him uncomfortably. "This is ridiculous," Jake said with a shake of his head, and without a second thought, he pulled off his shirt, tossing it onto the truck bed. His muscular chest and arms glistened with sweat, his skin bronzed from hours spent working outside.

    Marc, sitting in the truck, couldn’t help but glance over. He had seen Jake shirtless plenty of times—they’d been friends long enough—but something about this moment felt different. The heat, the mud, the sight of Jake’s body slick with sweat—it all sent a spark through him that he wasn’t prepared for.

    Jake, oblivious to Marc’s thoughts, undid the button on his jeans and pulled them off as well, leaving him in nothing but his tight black boxers. "Let's see how this goes with less weight," Jake said, wiping his hands on his boxers before heading back to his motorcycle.

    Marc’s heart raced. He knew he shouldn’t be staring, but he couldn’t stop his eyes from wandering over Jake’s muscular legs, and his big bulge in his boxers. He tried to focus on the problem at hand—the fact that they were stuck—but it was becoming harder to ignore the tension building inside him.

    Jake straddled his bike again, gripping the handlebars as he revved the engine once more. The back tire spun furiously, mud spraying out behind him, but the bike didn’t move an inch. His muscles strained as he leaned into the bike, his jaw set with determination. Marc watched, feeling something stir inside him that he couldn’t quite explain. There was something about the way Jake refused to give up, the way his body tensed and moved with the bike, that made it hard to look away.

    Marc realized his face was growing hot. His pulse quickened as he watched Jake’s struggle, and despite the mud and frustration, he felt an unexpected wave of arousal creeping in. He shifted in his seat, trying to shake the feeling. "Come on, focus," he muttered to himself. "You’re stuck in the middle of nowhere, and this is what you're thinking about?"

    But the more he tried to pull his mind away, the more it wandered. The roar of Jake’s engine, the sight of his body working hard to free the bike—it all became a strange kind of sensory overload. Marc turned the key in the ignition, starting up the truck again, hoping the act of revving his own engine would distract him. But as he pressed down on the gas and felt the tires spinning helplessly in the mud, the vibration of the truck only heightened his feelings.

    For a few minutes, they were both locked in the same futile struggle. Jake on his bike, Marc in his truck—both of them revving their engines, both of them stuck. The sound of the roaring engines filled the air, and with each attempt, Marc felt himself sinking deeper into something he couldn’t control.

    Jake finally cut his engine, stepping off the bike with a frustrated sigh. "This is a lost cause," he said, walking back over to Marc’s truck.

    Marc shut off his engine as well, breathing heavily, trying to keep his voice steady. "Yeah, looks like we’re not getting out of here anytime soon."

    They stood there in the quiet, the only sound the distant rustle of the wind through the fields. Marc’s heart pounded in his chest as he tried to act normal, but the tension between them was palpable. Jake was only inches away, his skin glistening in the fading sunlight, and Marc could feel the weight of his own desire building, no matter how hard he tried to ignore it.

    They were stuck—both in the mud and in a moment that neither of them fully understood.

    “Hey,” Marc called out, his voice breaking the silence. Jake turned to face him, his brow furrowed in confusion, maybe wondering why Marc was still watching him so intently. Marc took a breath, knowing he had to say something to keep the moment going. "We can’t give up now, man. We've come this far."
    Jake raised an eyebrow, wiping sweat from his forehead. "Yeah, but we’re sinking deeper with every minute," he replied, though there was no real defeat in his voice. He seemed more exasperated than anything, the kind of frustration that came when physical effort wasn’t enough to fix the problem.
    Marc nodded, trying to look serious. "I know, but we’re not that far from the farm. If we can just get one of these things free, we’ll be back on solid ground in no time."

    The words came out, but Marc knew deep down that he didn’t really believe them. The mud was too thick, too relentless. The more they tried to power through it, the worse it got. But that wasn’t why he said it. It wasn’t about hoping they’d get out. He just wanted to see Jake keep trying.

    There was something mesmerizing about watching Jake, sitting on his motorcycle there in nothing but his tight black boxers, trying to free his backwheel from the rut. The way his powerful body flexed and strained as he pushed the bike, the way the back tire spun helplessly in the mud, and the way Jake's muscles rippled with each effort—it all captivated Marc in a way he hadn’t anticipated. He couldn’t tear his eyes away, even though he knew he should.

    He could feel his heartbeat quicken, his breath catching in his throat as he watched Jake mount the bike again. The roar of the engine filled the air, the vibration of the motorcycle sending a deep, rumbling hum through the otherwise quiet, damp countryside. Jake leaned forward, his legs tensed as he gave the throttle a cautious twist, trying to coax the back tire out of the deep rut.

    Marc could feel the heat rising in his cheeks as he watched. Jake’s bulging muscles, slick with sweat, were a sight to behold, but it was more than that. It was the determination, the raw effort of seeing someone as strong as Jake only in his boxers struggling, the way he kept going, even when it seemed hopeless. Marc wasn’t sure why it had such an effect on him, but the truth was undeniable. He was turned on, and he knew it.

    Meanwhile, Jake was having his own strange experience. The vibrations of the motorcycle reverberated through his body, sending a pulse down into his groin. It started as just a subtle sensation, the familiar hum of the engine, but as he tried and failed to get the bike moving, the feeling grew stronger. Each time the back tire spun, Jake felt a slight rush of sensation, a warmth spreading through his lower body that he couldn’t ignore. His grip on the handlebars tightened as he struggled to maintain focus.

    He clenched his jaw, trying to suppress the growing arousal that was confusing him more by the second. The vibrations, the sensation of rocking back and forth, and the strange tension that had built up inside him made it harder and harder to concentrate. He had to stop, if only for a moment, to calm himself down. His face twisted in frustration, not only at the mud but at his own body’s reaction to the situation.

    For a few minutes, Jake climbed off the bike and stood there, taking deep breaths to regain control. Meanwhile, Marc was trying his best to free the truck, but he wasn’t making any progress either. Every time he tried to move forward or backward, the rear wheels spun in place, throwing up clumps of wet mud but sinking deeper into the muck. Marc’s mind was elsewhere, though. He couldn’t help but glance over at Jake every few seconds, his eyes tracing the lines of Jake’s muscular back and shoulders as he stretched, his boxers still clinging tightly to his skin.

    Jake watched the tires of Marc’s truck spin, digging themselves deeper, and he forced himself to look away. Something about watching those tires spinning helplessly in the mud reminded him too much of what he had felt earlier on the motorcycle. It stirred that same strange sensation in him, one he wasn’t ready to confront just yet.

    After a few minutes, Jake decided to give it another go. He mounted the motorcycle again, gripping the handlebars firmly, and this time he was careful. He revved the engine slowly, not wanting to let the back wheel lose traction too soon. The tire began to climb up out of the rut, little by little, and for a brief moment, it seemed like he might succeed. But then the incline steepened, and just as before, the back tire lost its grip and spun freely once more.

    Frustration surged through Jake, and in a burst of desperation, he twisted the throttle to the max. The engine roared, and mud flew in every direction as the back wheel spun furiously. Determined not to give up, Jake started rocking the motorcycle back and forth, pushing and pulling with his whole body in an effort to gain any sort of momentum. The vibrations of the bike reverberated through him again, and this time, the motion of rocking back and forth only amplified that strange sensation in his groin.

    Marc watched in awe as Jake fought with the bike. The way Jake’s bulging biceps flexed as he held onto the handlebars, the way his muscular legs strained against the mud—it was almost hypnotic. But what really caught Marc’s attention was the way Jake’s bulge, barely held back by his boxers, began to grind against the seat with each movement. Marc could feel his face growing hotter as he stared, unable to pull his eyes away.

    Jake, lost in his effort, didn’t realize what was happening at first. But after a few minutes, he glanced down and saw the unmistakable outline of an erection pressing against the fabric of his boxers. His eyes widened in confusion, and his heart raced as he tried to process what was happening. He couldn’t understand why he was getting turned on by this. Was it the vibrations? The adrenaline? The mud? Whatever the reason, it was undeniable.

    His face flushed with embarrassment as he looked up and noticed Marc staring at him. Marc’s eyes were locked on Jake, his face slightly red, and for a split second, Jake realized that Marc had been watching the entire time. There was a flicker of something between them—something unspoken, but impossible to ignore.

    Jake felt a wave of confusion wash over him. He wasn’t sure what to say, and for the first time in a long time, he felt completely out of control.

    “Man… what the hell…” Jake muttered under his breath, his voice full of confusion. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, the bulge still pressing hard against his boxers. “I… I wasn’t even thinking about it…”
    Marc, who had been standing nearby, watching the whole scene unfold, stepped forward. He could see the embarrassment in Jake’s eyes, the way his friend looked down at his own body as if he didn’t quite understand what was happening. Marc knew it was time for some calming words to comfort Jake.

    “Hey, Jake,” Marc said, his tone calm and reassuring. He approached, muddy boots squelching with every step, and placed a hand on Jake’s shoulder. “It’s alright, man. There’s nothing to worry about.”
    Jake looked up, still confused, his brow furrowed. “I don’t get it… I was just trying to get the bike unstuck, and now… this?”
    Marc chuckled softly, trying to keep things light. “Look, it’s completely normal. You were using a ton of strength, man. You’ve got all that muscle, and with the vibrations from the engine, plus the mud, plus being… well, you know, only in your boxers, it’s no wonder your body reacted like that.”
    Jake’s confusion didn’t quite disappear, but he seemed to be listening, trying to process what Marc was saying.
    “I had a feeling something like this might happen,” Marc continued, keeping his tone supportive. “When you’re pushing your body that hard, especially a guy like you, it’s bound to happen. The strength, the effort—it all builds up, and sometimes, your body just reacts. You can’t hold back.”
    Jake’s eyes widened slightly. “You mean… this kind of thing happens?”
    Marc gave a nod. “Yeah, man. Especially when you’re using that much force. You were trying to push through the mud, the vibrations from the bike were going wild, and you’re only in boxers. It’s like the perfect storm.” He smiled, trying to ease Jake’s discomfort. “But it’s nothing to be ashamed of. If anything, it just shows how strong you are. You just need to push through it—don’t hold back. Use everything you’ve got, even if you gonna end up with a full grown boner in your boxers.”
    Jake looked down at himself again, taking in Marc’s words. There was still a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes, but Marc’s calm, nonchalant attitude seemed to help. Finally, Jake nodded, taking a deep breath.
    “Alright,” he said, more to himself than to Marc. “Let’s do this.”
    With a new sense of determination, Jake fired up the engine again, the motorcycle roaring to life beneath him. The vibrations returned instantly, rippling through his body, but this time, Jake didn’t hesitate. He revved the engine, harder than before, his muscles tensing as he leaned forward and put all his strength into trying to get the bike unstuck.
    He instantly noticed his arousal growing again but this time feeling an unexpected sense of relief and confidence after hearing Marcs words. The tension between them had melted away, leaving something new—a strange but comfortable understanding. He had been holding back earlier, trying to control the sensations that were threatening to overwhelm him, but now he didn’t feel the need to restrain himself. He was ready to give it everything.

    Marc also climbed back in his pickup truck starting up the engine, filling the air with a deep, rumbling sounds. The wheels where spinning, kicking up fresh sprays of mud as they dug deeper into the muck. Jake leaned forward on his motorcycle, his hands gripping the handlebars tightly as he revved the engine harder than before. He pushed against the bike with all his strength, his bulge pressing firmly into the tank.

    To his surprise, he realized the vibrations were even more intense there. The throbbing hum of the engine ran through his entire body, but it was the way the tank pressed against him that sent an electric shock of pleasure down his spine. His breathing grew heavier, more ragged, as the sensations intensified. The vibrations pulsed through his groin, and before he knew it, Jake was grunting, the new more intense waves of arousal that were crashing over him. He could feel himself growing harder with each push of the bike.

    He glanced down, his heart racing as he saw how stretched his boxers had become. His erection was painfully obvious now, the fabric barely containing him. But he didn’t stop. He couldn’t stop. The bike was finally starting to move, the back tire slowly cutting through the deep mud with renewed vigor. Jake gritted his teeth, torn between the relief of making progress and the overpowering pleasure that was taking hold of him.

    Every inch he gained in the mud sent another jolt of pleasure through him, and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep going without losing control. His body was tense, trembling as he rode the line between effort and release.

    Meanwhile, Marc had found his rhythm too. He kept shifting gears, rocking his truck back and forth, using the momentum to slowly seesaw out of the rut. With a sudden jolt, the truck lurched forward, freeing itself from the mud. Marc smiled triumphantly for a second—until he hit another deep rut, and the back wheels spun wild again, kicking up even more mud.

    Jake’s breath caught in his throat as he watched Marc’s truck get stuck once more. The sight of it—the truck sinking deeper, the back wheels spinning helplessly—was the final straw. The combination of the roaring engine, the relentless vibrations, and the sight of Marc struggling again pushed him over the edge.

    His whole body tensed as he groaned loudly, unable to stop himself. The pleasure that had been building for so long finally crashed over him, and Jake felt the unmistakable release flood through him. He gasped, his body trembling as he ejaculated in his boxers, the wetness soaking through the thin fabric as he kept revving the engine. His mind was clouded with sensation, and he couldn’t bring himself to stop. It felt too good—too overwhelming to just stop now.

    He rocked back and forth on the bike, his body moving in rhythm with the spinning tire, his throbing cock grinding along the seat, letting the last of his seed leak through the fabric. His boxers were soaked, the mess obvious as the white fluid seeped through the tight material, but Jake didn’t care. He was lost in the moment, every nerve in his body alive with sensation.

    Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Jake’s body went limp with exhaustion. He let out a long, ragged breath and switched off the engine, the sudden silence almost startling after all the noise. He slumped forward on the bike, completely spent.

    Marc, who had been too focused on his own struggles, noticed that he couldn’t hear Jake’s motorcycle anymore. Concern flashed across his face, and he quickly jumped out of the truck, hurrying over to where Jake sat. “Hey, man, you alright?” Marc called as he approached.

    When he reached Jake, he froze, his eyes widening slightly. Jake was still on the bike, his body covered in mud and sweat—but the most obvious thing was the huge, wet stain on his black boxers and the masses of cum smudged all over the seat. Marc stared for a moment before a knowing grin spread across his face.

    “Jake…” Marc said, shaking his head with amusement. “Did you…?” He didn’t need to finish the question.

    Jake, still catching his breath, looked up at Marc, his face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and post-climactic exhaustion. “Yeah… I… I couldn’t help it,” he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

    Marc chuckled, his grin widening. “Damn, man. I would’ve loved to see that happen,” he said, a teasing glint in his eye. “You were really into it, huh?”

    Jake groaned, running a hand through his messy hair. “You have no idea,” he muttered, feeling both embarrassed and oddly relieved that Marc was taking it so casually.

    Marc smirked and gave Jake a playful nudge on the shoulder. “Well guess what just happened in my boxers as I kept revving the hell out of my truck”

  • SEXY read! Want it to happen in real life between two guys!

  • @bootmudder I hope you will get to experience it someday. So far i only got to do it with one other person at time. But it surely would be hot being surounded by two guys fighting their way through the mud

  • @Kevin great story, Kevin! Way to go - woof!!!

  • @Kevin
    Sehr geile Story! Da fliessen bestimmt eigene Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse mit ein, oder?
    Ist dir so etwas ähnliches denn auch schon mal passiert?
    Wenn es hier jetzt keine freien Vids. mehr gibt, so doch geile freie Stories. Beim Schreiben hattest du doch bestimmt auch die ganze Zeit einen feuchten Steifen!
    Ich hatte einen und zum Schluß kam der Schuß!!!
    Mach weiter. Viell. eine Fortsetzung. Das Bike ist doch noch im Schlamm!!!

  • Good fucking story. Someone should use it as a script for a video. Damn

  • Very nice story, congratulations! 🙂

  • @SpinninTires thank you! glad you enjoy

    @rauhbein1 ohja mittlerweile 7 Jahre. Aber so was in der Form ist bisher leider noch nie passiert. Und ja hatte auch 3 mal während dem Schreiben abgespritzt. Werd bestimmt noch eine Fortsetzung schreiben.

    @Redsman Yeah I would love seing a movie like that heh

    @redredd22 Thank you very much

  • @Kevin
    Dann bleibt es ja spannend u. eine Fortsetzung folgt hoffentlich bald. Bestimmt wird diese auch wieder so schön geil von dir geschildert. Lass die Feder auf dem Papier rotieren und den Saft spritzen!!
    💦 🍤

  • Absolutely Fantastic Storytelling there!

  • @rauhbein1 Ja werde ich machen 🙂
    @StuckFuck Thanks man!

  • you make me cum man. i like it

  • @boy I also came around 4 times while writing this. Tough haven't wrote it in just one day

  • @Kevin even while you are pumping your bike and precum leaking mine did the same not sure if you cum through your boxer I might cum as well. while watching your Vid i think i did the same on Vid.

  • @boy I always cum and releasing it all in my boxers if I'm stuck for too long and have no chance of escaping. And glad you get to enjoy my video this much

  • @Kevin ohhh yes i really love your vid. always rock hard while watching.

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