@Hipbootsdriver Thanks, man! I appreciate your support 💯
Stuck Chronicle (Part 34 - Bonding)
Back at the far pit, Mick and Joel both leaned back in their seats with their booted feet up--Joel's boots were on the dashboard, while Mick's were on the steering wheel.
"Hey..." Joel said.
"Yeah?" Mick asked, half-asleep.
"Lyle told me about your exploits. Surely by now, you've racked up a lot of rivals..."
"Oh, yeah!" Mick laughed.
"So....where do I place on that list?"
"Hmmmmm", Mick wondered, "I'd say you're number five on my list."
"Wow", Joel said in amazement.
"I've only battled you twice", Mick pointed out, "but you're pretty good! I mean, you REALLY got my blood boiling during that second challenge!"
Joel grinned. "So....who're the rivals above me?"
"Number 4 is a biker named Dylan", Mick stated. "He and his two buddies have their own little posse out in a town west of here. 3 is Antione, a trucker. He's got a rig like you wouldn't believe!"
Joel was impressed. "What about...Ethan? That guy from your story last night?"
"He's my number one rival!" Mick said. "You actually kinda remind me of him. He's older than you by like a decade, but he's pretty arrogant and loves to piss me off.”
Joel laughed.
"He wasn't my first rival, but I've challenged him more times than any of the others", Mick continued. "To date, I've never beaten him in his element..."
“Element? 🧐”
“Like you and I mainly trek through mud, but he prefers to spin HIS tires in snow and ice.”
“Ah, I see”, Joel said.
“When winter comes, he and Larry—my number two rival—tear it up in the north. They find a nice secluded spot, and spin their tires until their vehicles—and THEY—are completely empty
“These guys sound pretty cool!” Joel pointed out. “Do they ever come down here?”
“Not often”, Mick replied.
“Ah well….” Joel sighed. “Soooo….is Lyle somewhere on your list?”
“Nah”, Mick said. “We’ve biked before, but never competitively. He says that my challenger side…frightens him a little 🥶”
Joel laughed. “He’s said that about me too, if you can believe that
“I can!” Mick replied through his own laughing. “You’re a total mon—-“
Just then, a pair of headlights shone some yards away. Soon after, a figure stood in front of the lights. “Mickey!! HEEEEYYYY!” A man shouted in the Jeep’s direction.
“Lyle?!” Mick shouted back.
“Yeah! Are you guys okay?!”
“Yeah!” Joel answered for them.
Lyle was relieved. He got into Joel's Ram, then turned it around so that it faced the exit. Mick tucked his jeans into his logger boots, got out, and trekked through the thick mud with his tow line.
As he linked his Jeep to the truck, Lyle came up to him and gave him a light kick to the shin.
"Ow!" Mick yelped.
"You really scared me, you know!" Lyle said, his arms crossed.
Mick wrapped around Lyle's leg, rubbing the boot that kicked him. "I know, I know", Mick replied. "I'm soooooo sorry!"
Lyle rolled his eyes, before jerking his leg away. "You never change, do you Mickey?"
"Fraid not!" he replied as he stood back up.
"So how'd it go? The 'bonding', I mean."
"Pretty good, actually!" Mick turned to the Jeep. "I think he's warming up to me!"
Lyle stifled a little laughter. "I bet!"
"Okay...on my signal, drive forward with enough force that you pull the jeep. I'll be giving some gas on my end too!"
"Got it!"
Mick got back into his jeep and pressed the gas. Meanwhile, Lyle tried to pull on it from the front. The jeep was stuck pretty deep, so it wouldn't budge. The repeated attempts made ruts under the Ram's already mud-caked tires. Lyle could hear them start to slip and spin.
"Stop, STOP!" Mick ordered. He then turned to Joel. "You take the wheel. I'll push from behind."
"But I'm stronger than you", Joel pointed out.
"But MY boots have more grip in mud", Mick countered. "I'm sure L doesn't wanna see you slip and faceplant."
Joel sighed. "Fine!"
With that, Mick got behind his Jeep, as Joel crawled into the driver's seat.
"Ok, GO!" Mick yelled. The Ram backed up, before pulling with all its might. Meanwhile, Mick's jeep spun its tires as Mick pushed it from behind. Joel decided to floor it, sending globs of red clay flying at Mick.
"Hey, hey, HEY!" Mick shouted at Joel, "Ease up on the gas a bit!" His leather vest, shirt, and jeans were stained here and there with clay.
"Sorry", Joel replied while laughing. He hit the gas gently this time, and the jeep slowly lurched forward inch by inch. Suddenly, they heard a loud zzzZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz up ahead. Lyle had gotten the Ram stuck in the ruts.
"Ah, damn!" Lyle shouted as he hit the gas, trying to break free. He couldn't help but rub his cum-soaked crotch.
"He's having WAY too much fun with this!" Mick remarked.
Joel nodded. "Can't say I blame him. I'm starting to twitch a bit too!" He began to rub himself through his jeans, as he floored the gas pedal.
"Wha-HEY!!" Mick yelled, as mud began to spray him again. He came to the driver side window and yanked the door open. "Get out!" he told Joel.
"I thought you said you didn't trust me to push your Jeep", Joel said with a smirk.
"I can't trust you to drive it either!" Mick shot back. "You push...just be careful not to slip!"
"Got it", Joel replied. He took one step into the greasy clay, and his smooth-soled Ariats almost gave out from under him. He tucked his jeans into his boots, and carefully trekked to the back of the jeep.
"Drive SLOWLY, Lyle!" Joel yelled. "You should be able to get unstuck!"
"Okay!" Lyle said, out of breath. He'd already came. He rocked the truck back and forth, carefully, and managed to free himself. Then he got back to pulling. Joel pushed the jeep from behind, his boots slipping constantly all the while. Mick gave some gas gently, and they managed to get it to a point in which Mick could free himself from the pit.
"Yes!" Mick cheered. "We did it!" He ran up to Lyle and high-fived him. "Good work, buddy!"
"Ummmm, thanks", Lyle replied, his face slightly red.
Mick look downed. Lyle's jeans had two wet spots on the front. He smirked, which made Lyle blush even more.
"Ahem!" a deep voice said behind them both. It was Joel, who had red clay stained on several places on the front; he slipped and fell once Mick took off.
Mick looked at Joel and laughed. "Serves you right--HEY!"
Mick got hit from behind by a glob of mud, by Lyle. It stained the back of his vest.
"Why you...", Mick started, when another glob hit him in the leg--this time by Joel.
"HA!" Lyle laughed, before he also got hit by Joel.
"I'M the only one who gets to splatter on Lyle!" he stated, as he winked at Lyle.
Mick picked up a glob of red clay in each hand, and nailed both of them.
The three of them messed around in the mud until they were all covered. Then they drove back to Mick's place to shower, wash their clothes, and eat dinner. Afterward, Joel and Lyle said their goodbyes to Mick, and headed back to Joel's house.