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Beginner guy stuck on the side of the road

Stuck stories
  • This is the first time I am writing a male pedal pumping story. There is a bit of cranking and quite a lot of stuck action, and a bit of NSFW content too. I would be happy to read your thoughts about it, so I could improve for next time.

    Clark was an 18-year-old boy, 162 cm tall, 65 kg, with brown eyes and short brown hair. He had got his driver's license a few months earlier. His parents surprised him with a second-hand grey 2003 Toyota Yaris. Clark loved his car and loved every minute he had with it. As time went by and he slowly gained experience, he became more and more skilled at driving, but just like his personality, he was still very shy behind the wheel.

    One Saturday night in late January, his friends invited Clark to a house party. The party was held in a small weekend house in the woods near the neighbouring town. The party went well, and although the boy was not a drinker, he drank two beers at the urging of his friends. The party was over around one o'clock in the morning, and Clark was on his way home. The temperature was 5 degrees Celsius, and the few centimetres of snow that had fallen a week before had almost completely melted, making the ground all muddy.
    There were several houses located deep in the woods, and the road leading to them was a winding dirt road, which Clark had to take on his way home. He hadn't driven much in these conditions before, but he wasn't worried, he was confident in his driving.
    As he came to the next bend on the road, suddenly the light of the car's headlights, Clark caught sight of a deer in the middle of the road, just a few yards ahead of him. Clark was startled and suddenly slammed on the brakes. On the muddy road, the car began to skid, at the sound of which the deer startled and ran off into the trees. The boy tried to keep the car on the road, but the slippery ground made the car uncontrollable. After skidding 10 metres, the car came to a halt, on the right side of the road, in the grass beside the road at a 45 degree angle to it.
    Clark's heart was pounding, his hands shaking with fright. The sight of the animal was completely unexpected, and he hadn't expected his car to skid on the muddy road. It took him a few minutes to calm down.
    "Huhh, that was something..."
    In the darkness of the forest, there was nothing but the grass illuminated by the headlights of the small car and the trunks of the trees a few metres away. As Clark looked around, he was struck by how alone he was in the vast forest. When he glanced down at the dashboard, it was only when he saw all the red lights, realizing the car's engine was not running.
    "Hmmm... I think it's time to get going" he said to himself. He shifted into neutral, depressed the clutch and turned the key.
    Clark was surprised. He had never had a situation where his beloved car wouldn't start. He looked at the dashboard, puzzled, then tried again.
    "What is this? Why won't you start?"p
    The boy began to pump the accelerator nervously in his white sneakers.
    "Ahh, I don't believe this. Do you have to let me down now?!?"
    "Shit!" he said angrily.
    Clark looked around. The darkness of the forest filled him with a feeling of both foreboding and dread. He looked at his watch, it was around 1:30. As he looked back toward the road, he saw no lights, just complete darkness.
    "I'm too far from the house... I wonder if anyone comes by at this hour."
    The boy wondered how alone he was out here in the middle of nowhere. Alone, in a vulnerable situation. He felt he had to get out of here as soon as possible. He pulled himself closer in the seat.
    "Come on... Start for me."
    He turned the key and began to pump the accelerator gently with his right foot.
    "Oh my God, why are you doing this to me?" he said in a bitter voice.
    Clark felt a warmth overwhelm his whole body. His palms were sweating and he felt his stomach in his throat. The sensation surprised him, and suddenly he realized that his manhood was erect.
    "Fuck, why am I bulging? Now of all times?"
    He wanted to try again, but as he started to press the accelerator with his foot, the movement of his right thigh caused the material of his lower leg to start rubbing lightly against his manhood.
    Clark blushed. The absurdity of the situation staggered him.
    "I am in the middle of nowhere, completely alone, in the dark... My car won't start, and I'm getting aroused? What is happening to me?"
    The boy hesitated for a few moments, then started to press the accelerator again.
    "Come on, start please. I need to get home."
    As he was cranking the car, Clark couldn't help himself. His left hand began to rub his manhood through his black jeans.
    As he looked down, he saw that his manhood was bulging visibly through his pants.
    "Hahaha, see what you're doing to me?" he said sweetly to the car. "You are not starting, but I am getting started up really here..."

    Clark tried again
    The Toyota finally started, and the boy revved the engine with a big throttle.
    "Yes, finally. That's the way to do it!"
    The sound of the engine running reassured the boy. He revved the engine for a few minutes, and when he thought the engine was running properly, he decided to drive home.
    He put the engine in reverse and gave gas. The engine roared, but the car wouldn't move. As he was holding the steering wheel, he felt a strange vibration he had never experienced before.
    "What is this?" asked the boy, frightened. He couldn't understand why his car wouldn't move.. He pushed the gas pedal harder with his white sneakers, listening to every movement and sound of the car. As he held the pedal down, he heard a sharp, hissing sound that startled him. Worried, he put the gearshift into neutral and picked up his phone. He turned on the flashlight and got out to look at the car.
    As he walked around the driver's door and shone his light on the left front wheel, he was amazed to see that the wheel made a small black mark on the wet grass. He assumed the car made this when he tried to reverse.
    "Oh no," he said anxiously.
    It flashed through Clark's mind that he had never been in this situation before. He had no idea what he should do now. He looked around, but the dark forest was looking back at him ominously. He was alone in the dark.
    Clark bent down to the wheel and touched the ground.
    "I don't understand... The grass doesn't look so muddy... Anyway, I have to try to get out of this somehow."

    He walked back to the car and got in.
    Clark put the car in reverse and carefully pressed on the gas.
    The car's wheels spun in the muddy grass, only moving the car a few millimeters.
    "Please..." the boy said in a low voice, then stepped on the gas a bit more. From inside the car he could hear again the hissing sound. He now knew it was the sound of the wheels spinning in the mud.
    "This can't be happening to me..."
    Nervously, he rolled down the window and leaned out, trying to look at the wheels, but he could barely see anything in the darkness. Carefully, he stepped on the gas and in the gloom he saw the left front wheel spinning in place on the muddy grass.
    "Come on. Move!" he said imperiously.
    Again he gently stepped on the gas. He felt the car move in unison, the wheels finding traction every now and then. It filled him with hope. "Yesss, come on! Let's get out of here!"
    Clark kept the throttle steadily down. The wheels spun on the muddy ground, but he couldn't move the car. He could feel his manhood rising again. Although it was a thrilling sensation, he tried to ignore it. After a minute of trying, he gave up, sat back in the seat, feeling frustrated. He put the car in neutral.
    "This evening was so good. Why did I have to get stuck?"
    Clark wondered what should he do. "I can't call my parents, they'll take my head off if they find out... Maybe my mates from the weekend house can come and push me out of here... Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do!"
    He picked up his phone and dialed, but the phone immediately went dead: NO SERVICE
    Clark nervously dropped the phone on the passenger seat and tried to take a deep breath.
    "I cannot believe this..."
    Clark was at a loss. He was afraid to go back to his friends' house in the dark. He wasn't sure how far it was.
    "I'd rather not leave in this dark. I'll stay here in my car, I'm safe here and someone might be passing by who can help me."
    Clark leaned back in his seat and looked at the dashboard.
    "You scared me pretty good back there. You've never done that before, not wanting to start..."
    With his foot, he gently stepped on the gas to rev the idling engine. It felt good to hear the engine roar.
    "Who knows when anyone's going to come along... I've got to try and get out of here."
    Clark pulled himself closer in the seat. He took a deep breath, then shifted into reverse and gently stepped on the gas. Once again, the Toyota Yaris' wheels spun in one place in the mud.
    "Come on! Move, please!"
    The boy tried to turn the steering wheel, hoping it would help. When he stepped on the gas, the headlights made it look like the car was spraying mud into the air.
    Clark pushed in the clutch. Although he had no experience of getting stuck, he felt did not mean anything good. He tried reversing again, with giving less gas, hoping that this time his car wouldn't splatter the mud. But after a few seconds, the mud chunks appeared in the air again.
    "I'll never get out of here on my own..."
    The boy was overcome by a feeling of helplessness, and suddenly he realized that he is bulging again.
    "I cannot believe this... I am getting stuck and excited? What the hell?" he said shyly.
    Suddenly he pressed the gas all the way down. The car roared, and Clark's body was flooded with heat. It was exciting for him to experiment, to see what would trigger all this inside him.
    "After all... there's nobody here..."
    He unbuttoned his jeans and pulled it down to his thighs with his underpants. He turned on the lights in the car. As he looked at his erect penis, he felt a boyish shyness.
    "I got stuck in the mud. I have no idea how I'm going to get out of here."
    Carefully, he stepped on the gas and felt his car struggling in the mud, but he couldn't move. He felt exhilarated by the situation.
    "Ahh... I'm so stuck..." he said in a husky voice.

    Clark was just thinking about starting to indulge himself when he suddenly heard the sound of a car. As he looked around, he spotted a pair of headlights between the trees behind him. He hastily pulled up his trousers, got out of his car and, raising his hands in the air, began to wave.
    "Here! Here! Please stop!"
    The driver of a dark blue Peugeot 307 stopped and rolled down the window. Clark walked over to the driver's side door.
    "Thank God you came by! You've got to help me!"
    "What happened to you?" asked the man, who was in his 30s.
    "I slid off the road with my car and now I can't get out."
    The man looked at the young boy, seeing how scared he was. However, when his gaze came to the level of his hips, he was surprised to see the bulging trousers.
    "Oh poor thing... I can believe it. It's very easy to get stuck on these roads if you're not careful..."
    The man turned on the high beams, which illuminated Clark's car and got out.
    "Now, let's see... I'm Jack by the way" the man said.
    "I am Clark... And thank you for helping me."
    "Don't mention it."
    They walked closer and stopped beside the boy's car.
    "Wow... Well, you really buried your tires..."
    "Yeah, I know... I was trying to get out..." He said shyly.
    "But you didn't succeed, did you?" said Jack with a wry smile.
    "No... My car won't move..." Clark said shyly.
    "Poor thing... So what's going to happen to you now?"
    "I have no idea... Can you help me somehow?"
    "Well, I guess it's not even worth for you to try anymore... Maybe I can try to pull you out, but I don't know, you've got your wheels really dug in... Maybe I would be just spinning too..."
    Clark was surprised to find that his manhood had moved again. He felt his face blush.
    "Buuut... Your car is on the road..."
    "Yes, but there's mud there too... And it would be hard to pull your car..." said Jack, seeing the boy's reaction.
    "Please, let's do something. I can't let my parents know what happened..."
    "Okay... First, let me see if your car still moves..."
    "Thank you!"
    Clark got in his car and tried to reverse again. Jack looked at the Toyota's wheels and smiled good-naturedly.
    "Sorry, looks like you're stuck in the mud pretty good. You're not going to be able to get out of here on your own."
    "Please... Help me!"
    "Well, I don't know..."
    "Please! I'll do anything, just help me!"
    "Anything?" the man asked, smiling.
    "Yes... Please..."
    Jack leaned over to the door and put his elbow on the edge of the lowered window.
    "Is this the first time you've been stuck?"
    "Yes... This has never happened to me before" said Clark.
    "So... how does it feel?" the man said, obviously looking at his manhood. "Exciting?"
    Clark blushed. "Yeah... I don't know why... But I became hard..."
    "You're cute. Don't worry, it's normal, there's a lot of people who get excited about this. You don't have to be ashamed."
    "Are you sure?"
    "Yeah, it's fine. Do you want me to pull you out?"
    "Yes, if possible..."
    "Sure, come on, we'll try."
    Clark got out and walked over to the other car. The man opened the trunk and handed the tow rope to the boy.
    "Wait a bit and I'll come closer."
    The man got into the car and tried to move his car closer slowly. On the uneven muddy ground, the wheel of his car span a little. Clark stared at the car's wheel, mesmerized. He felt butterflies in his stomach again. He didn't even notice that the man was looking at him. It took him a few seconds to come to his senses, and then he felt ashamed.
    "This does not look good. We haven't even put on the towing rope, and I'm already spinning... I hope I can pull you out..." Jack said, watching the boy's face.
    Clark just looked at him, speechless.
    "Or would you be happy if I got stuck too?" he said with a smile.
    Clark could feel his stomach clench. He knew he got caught "No! No way!" he protested.
    Jack laughed good-naturedly.
    "Don't be shy. Go ahead and tell me what you'd like. And maybe I can help you with that, too."
    Clark didn't know what to say. Jack waited patiently, then spoke. "Would you like me to struggle in the mud?"
    "Yeah..." Clark said shyly.
    Jack smiled at the boy. With his right hand, he slowly put on the parking brake. He shifted into first gear and slowly pushed the throttle down. The front wheels of the dark blue Peugeot 307 began spinning on the muddy road. Clark watched the man, then the spinning wheels. He couldn't get enough of the sight. Jack stopped after 20 seconds.
    "Ahh, this damn muddy road... This happens every time I stop. I can never get going after that."
    Clark smiled at the man. "Is it that easy to get stuck?"
    "Yeah... My tires aren't designed for muddy roads, and when the grooves get filled with mud, there's hardly any traction..."
    Jack tried again to get going, but his wheels were again just spinning on the muddy road.
    "Do you like it?" asked Jack.
    Clark hesitated, then answered. "Yeah... Very much..."
    "I'm afraid it's going to be like this when we put the tow rope on. You really buried your little car in the mud!"
    "But we're going to try and pull it out?"
    "Of course. In the worst case I'll get stuck too!" winked Jack.
    Jack released the handbrake and rolled closer to the boy's car. He leaned out the rolled-down window and stopped when he reached the edge of the road.
    Clark looked questioningly at the man. "Won't you come closer?"
    "If I go in the grass, I'm not coming out either!" laughed Jack.
    Clark walked over to his grey car and put on the tow rope, which was just long enough.
    "Okay. Start backing up nice and slow, but don't give it too much gas so you don't accidentally hit me. If you get spinning, don't worry, I'll give the big throttle."
    Clark smiled at the man's words.
    "All right, let's try it."
    Clark got into his car, his mind racing. He hoped that the rescue mission would be successful, but he also thought about how exciting it would be to see the man when his tires spinning. His thoughts were interrupted by the short honk of the Peugeot's horn.
    The boy shifted into reverse and carefully stepped on the gas. His car started to spin just like before, and he was not moving. He leaned out and looked back, and that's when Jack started to pull him. The tow rope tightened and he felt the other car trying to pull his car backwards. The Peugeot 307's wheels started to spin and Jack stepped on the accelerator. Clark saw the headlights of the car behind him glow faintly as the wheels splashed mud. He thought again how much he liked this.
    The Toyota Yaris suddenly started backing up. Clark turned forward and concentrated on the steering wheel to keep the car straight as Jack pulled him along.
    After a few seconds his car was out on the road. Feeling indescribable joy, he got out and ran to the other car.
    "Thank you so much! Without you, I definitely wouldn't have gotten out!"
    "I bet you wouldn't!" laughed Jack.
    "How could I ever repay you?
    "Don't mention it! I think you're in for a night to remember! With lots of excitement." Jack said the word excitement with a telling emphasis.
    Clark was embarrassed. "I'm sorry I stared at you before."
    "It's okay. But I might still need a little help from you!"
    "Sure, anything."
    "I just remembered I forgot something and I should go back... Could you help me turn around? The road is quite narrow here, and I don't want to back into unknown ground."
    "Of course!"
    Jack put his car into reverse and began to slowly turn as Clark walked up beside the Peugeot.
    "Slowly, there's only about a foot to go... Okay, stop. STOP!!!!"
    Instead of stopping, Jack suddenly applied the throttle hard, causing the rear wheels of his car to go about 50 centimetres into the weedy grass beside the road before he applied the brakes. Clark looked at the man in bewilderment.
    "Oops, I think I accidentally stepped on the gas instead of the brake." he said. "I really hope I didn't get stuck now..."
    "Did you do that on purpose?!?"
    "Me? Come on!" giggled Jack. "All I need is to get stuck too!"
    Jack shifted into first gear and stepped on the gas. The Peugeot's wheels immediately started spinning, the car wouldn't move.
    "Ahh, come on!" Jack pressed on the gas more, the car roared and the wheels started spinning wildly.
    Clark felt his heart pounding. He couldn't get enough of the sight of the car trying to get away.
    Jack stopped and smiled at the boy.
    "I think I'm stuck too! Can you help me?"
    "Come on, get in next to me, maybe if it's heavier the wheels will grip better."
    It took Clark's brain a few seconds to grasp what the man was asking him to do. He walked around the car and climbed into the passenger seat.
    "I really hope this works..."
    Jack tried to rock the car. Clark watched the man's knees move up and down with a wary eye. He could feel through his seat the car's wheels struggling for traction. When he looked down at his pants, he felt they barely fit. When he glanced at Jack, he saw that he, too, was looking at Clark's pants.
    "Come on baby, you need to get out of here. I know you can do it! I can't get stuck here in the mud in front of this nice boy. Come on!"
    Clark couldn't help himself. A hotness flooded his entire body. His hands gripped the seat tightly. His hips involuntarily began to move back and forth. After a few moments, Clark felt the greatest pleasure of his life.

  • OMG! I loved every part of the story! Clark is a perfect twink in distress and I love when he talk desperately with the car, so hot! Hot Idea to add crank scene in a stuck story! Goodboy! (I had immagine Clark in flip flops but I like also his shoes!)

  • Very nice and Hot Story, is a good for head cinema. I hope you write New Story, maybe with rear wheel drive and White nike air, flipflop or barefoot, thanks πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

  • Extremely hot and sexy. Go on writing, please. Let Clark discover how horny it is to get stuck. Especially barefoot.

  • Thank you for your comments, I am glad you like the story. I am working on some new ones, but sadly I can't dedicate nearly as much time as I would lie, so the progress is slow. I did not plan any continuation with this character, but I think the ones in progress will be interesting as well.

  • Great. Let him be barefoot, PLEASE.

  • What do you guys think, where should Clark go to explore more about his new and strange feelings? I cannot promise that I will do a next part with him, but if we come up with an exciting idea, who knows? 😊

  • Good Idea! Thx for it!

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