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#StuckFan (Part 10 - Trail Trial)

Stuck stories
  • “Think of this as an endurance test”, Manny explained. “There’s a cabin at the end of this trail. But between here and there is a harrowing, winding, washed out dirt road! There’ll be ditches, puddles, inclines…you name it.”

    He rubbed Ian’s crotch, making him moan softly. “I’m gonna plow through it with all the might this boot can dish out. Meanwhile, you’ve gotta keep yourself going until we get there. You can rub slowly, or jerk it—just make sure your hand doesn’t leave your cock. But if you cum before then, I’m gonna have to punish you.”

    “P-punish??” Ian asked. “Punish how?”

    Manny turned to Ian and gave a devilish grin. “Oh, you’ll see!” He growled.

    Ian gulped.

    “One more thing”, Manny added, “the moment I catch you not rubbing yourself during the drive, then I’ll be doing it for you. And I won't stop until you cum, either!”

    He took his two fingers and pressed them on Ian’s hardon, making him squirm and moan. It took all his strength just to push Manny’s hand back.

    “Ok, let’s go!” Manny floored it, trying to get them up the hill. His tires spun so hard, it could be heard from within the truck. The sound got to Ian, and he began rubbing himself as instructed.

    “Come on baby, come on!” Manny shouted as he slammed his boot on the gas pedal. VROOOOOOMROOOOOOOMROOOOOOOM!!!

    After a couple minutes of spinning, Manny got them up the slippery slope. From there, he continued down the soupy road. Other than a few potholes, there didn’t seem to be much difficulty. Ian breathed easier, albeit shakily since he was slowly jerking himself off.

    “Is that all you’ve got?” Ian asked, teasing Manny.

    “Wait for it…”, Manny replied.

    Suddenly, the holes got deeper, making the truck shift more and more as Manny drove. Ian was anticipating them getting stuck soon. Once they drove through the tenth hole, Manny’s truck slanted to the left, and stopped.

    VROOM, VROOOOOOOOM!! zzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz!!! zzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz!!! Without knowing it, Ian began to rub himself much more vigorously. Manny noticed and held his foot down, making his truck release a loud, steady roar. Vrooooooooooooooooooooom! Ian began to lose control of his desire, moaning and grunting with his head reeled back and his eyes closed. Manny started to get a little horny himself, and began to stroke himself until he got hard too. His foot pressed the gas even harder, sending wet mud flying as his rear left tire began to sink.

    “Go….go….go!” Ian moaned.

    Manny grinned and stomped the gas, hoping to get even more stuck so Ian would cum. But after ten seconds of tire spinning, his rear tire caught a rock under the mud, which gave him enough traction to drive out of that hole.

    “Damn!” Manny growled under his breath.

    “You thought you had me, huh?” Ian asked, laughing.

    “Don’t rejoice just yet”, Manny said, “we’re only halfway there. There’s a LOT more fun to be had!”

    Manny drove fast through the woods, which made Ian a little nervous.

    “Hey…slow down, will you?” he begged.

    Manny ignored him and drove a little faster. Ian reached over and grabbed his arm.

    “Manny, please slow down!” Ian yelled.

    Manny shot Ian a scary look. “Make me”, he growled.

    Ian unbuckled his seat belt and reached for Manny.
    Even at almost full throttle, and with Ian grabbing and pushing him, Manny had full control of the truck. He took his right hand off the wheel and pinned Ian back in his seat, firmly grabbing his crotch in the process. Ian yelped as his member was being roughly handled.

    “You really wanted me to make you cum, huh?” he said with a smirk.

    “Y-You….”, Ian said shakily, “you said to make you slow down! I-I was….worried that you’d lose control or something…”

    Manny laughed. “Dude, I know this trail like the back of my hand! There’s no chance of that happening.” He rubbed Ian’s cock firmly yet gently, making him gasp and moan. “I wanted to make you let your guard down, and it worked.”

    Ian tried to remove Manny’s hand from his crotch, but his strong, denim-clad arm wouldn’t budge.

    “I’d stop struggling if I were you”, Manny said, a devilish grin on his face, “or you’ll end up cumming even quicker.”

    Ian decided to buckle up and sit back.

    “Good boy!” Manny said, before patting Ian’s crotch. “Now relax—I won’t stroke you too hard, unless you try to get out of your seat. The rest is up to you. Got it?”

    He gripped Ian’s cock with that last question, making him moan. “Y-yes, sir!” he said quickly.

    That said, Manny continued down the muddy path. His left hand steered the truck, while his right hand rubbed Ian, making him squirm and moan in his seat. He came across some soft ground, which got his tires spinning again. It took everything he had to keep his truck from getting stuck.

    zzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz!! zzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz!!

    Ian began feeling good, between Manny’s gentle touch and the sound of his tires spinning in the mud. They were slowing down with every few yards they traveled. Suddenly, they came across an especially soft patch, which began sucking the big Chevy truck in like quicksand.


    “Come on, come ON!!” Manny growled as he pressed the gas. zzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!! zzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz!!! He was wrestling with the muck, which was holding onto his rear tires. He hadn’t noticed it, but he was gripping Ian’s privates out of frustration.

    “Manny, Manny….”, Ian moaned.

    Manny looked over at Ian, and smiled. “That’s it, buddy. Let it all out”, he coaxed, as he stroked him gently.

    He kept his tires spinning, until he finally managed to escape the soft spot. But they didn’t get too far before getting stuck again. By the time they got trapped in their fifth ditch, Ian felt himself about to reach his limit. Between Ian’s moans and the sound of his truck struggling through the mud, Manny became horny too. He took his left hand off the wheel periodically to rub his own hardon through his jeans. Manny moaned and growled loudly, which got Ian going even more.

    Manny noticed how close Ian was to cumming, and decided to help him get there. He pressed his foot on the gas hard, purposefully making his tires spin. zzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzz!! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz!!! zzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz!!! zzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!

    “Stop, Manny!” Ian begged, squirming in his seat as his burly buddy revved his engine and jerked him off. “Please, stop! I’m begging you!” Despite his words, though, Ian was having the time of his life.

    Manny looked Ian dead in the eye, and floored it. VROOMROOMROOMROOMROOOOOOOM! zzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz!!! Ian moaned loudly as he came in his pants. Manny didn’t lift his foot until he was sure Ian got all of it out.

    After a good minute, Manny took his foot off the gas, and removed his hand from Ian’s crotch. His hand was damp with his buddy’s cum.

    “Did you like that?” Manny asked, giving his engine a gentle rev.

    “Yeah!” Ian replied, out of breath. “That was so awesome!”

    “I bet it was”, Manny said, before pointing to Ian’s drenched crotch. “But you still lost the game.”

    Ian looked down at his pants, and felt embarrassed. “I know”, he said softly. “I’ll accept the penalty, whatever it is.”

    Manny laughed. “Glad to hear it!” he said. “It’s gonna be a rough one…”

  • @Xavier-B
    Another really hot story that you've written. Of course I got a hard-on while reading it and had to jerk off. It didn't take long before the juice squirted out. I'm sure some people feel the same way!

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