Very nice story! ๐
Being stuck in the car with a bigger male driving
Re: Share your first stuck experience
I'm new here. I first realized the intensity of this when I was about nine. I was in the back seat of the car with my mom and her big boyfriend in front. He was driving in the sand and as we began losing traction I could see his big bare foot going farther down on the gas pedal. He floored it but the car came to a stop with the wheels spinning. Surprisingly, he was able to back up a bit before spinning to a stop. He was somehow able to rock back and forth and to get us out of it eventually, but during it I made the mistake of laughing. He thought I was laughing at him and told me that if I made any more noise I'd get a spanking. I never forgot that day. -
Maybe so, but he was an ex-Marine and I didn't think of him as weak. I thought he was just letting me know he wouldn't put up with any distraction from me while he was busy driving the car out of the sand. I think if I had said anything more I would have gotten the belt.
I think several things excited me. Seeing his big bare foot on the gas pedal and knowing that he is in control of the car. Yeah, he's having trouble in the sand, but he's fighting it and winning. It's natural that he would not put up with taunting from me, a resentful and envious kid. His threatening to spank me just increased those feelings.
@NoTraction Sounds exciting
@NoTraction have you had any fantasies with him getting stuck, or maybe you intentionally making him get stuck?
If I had intentionally somehow made him get stuck, there's no doubt that he would have punished me. But I do think about how both humiliating and arousing it was to be confined in the back seat while this big barefooted guy applies the power forward then backward, the wheels spinning and under his complete control.
I remember when I was 6 or so being with my dad and my sister in our 1953 Ford. We had gone to the health clinic and parked on a slab of ice. The car was stuck and my dad was trying to get it out. I kept asking "When are we going to go?" and my dad replied, calmly, "In a minute", although it was more like five minutes.
@NoTraction he didn't even taken into consideration for some help by u. How is it felt about it?
@NoTraction I think it is super hot situation, a guy who is powerful in character, and he is used to being in control, but oh no, he is now hopelessly stuck
He is pressing the gas, trying to control the situation, but the car remains stuck. Slowly he loses all control of the situation, and he must realize, he needs help, and needs it badly.
@NoTraction it was my mum and dad took us camping and got stuck at the site. Dad was loosing it as he let me park the car the night before. Mum was the one to get out of the mud scared at that time but arousing now