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#StuckFan (Part 7 - Parting Gift)

Stuck stories
  • As the school year came to a close, Ian was elated that Mick had gotten in touch with him again. No only was he able to hang with his hero and his friends, but he’d also gotten his greatest footage—Mick and Joel’s rigs getting stuck at Minefield Mire. After the fun was over, Mick decided to crash at Ian’s place. Ian was restless—THE Slick Mick was right downstairs!

    As the summer went on, Mick and Ian got into all kinds of muddy adventures together. The highlight occurred the weekend prior to the start of Ian’s fall semester at Rockmore University. Mick was gonna be gone for the fall, but beforehand he wanted to give Ian a “parting gift”.

    He woke up to the sound of Mick’s jeep. He threw some clothes on and burst out the door. Mick was revving his engine, sending cloud after cloud of white smoke into the air. Ian walked over to the driver side. “HEY, MICK!!” he shouted over the motor.

    Mick took his foot off the gas, bringing his jeep to a steady rumble. “Hey there, Sunshine!” he replied, before turning bright red. “I…didn’t wake ya, did I?”

    Ian shook his head. “I don’t mind waking up to your motor”, he stated happily.

    Mick grinned. “Want me to take you somewhere?” he asked.

    Ian beamed. “Sure!” he replied. “Do you have a place in mind?”

    “I do, actually”, Mick said. “Remember that one spot I told you about? The one that took my friend Antione’s truck?”


    “Well…I wanna see how much truth there is to his little story”, Mick said. “Hop in!”
    Ian got his stuff together, then got into Mick’s jeep. He sped down the road, heading south.

    “So…this place we’re going to…it’s some kind of swamp?” Ian asked.

    “Kinda”, Mick answered. “It stays muddy year round, even when it snows. Mudders used to tell me and Antione stories about that spot—how it’s cursed or something.”

    “Whoa…”, Ian said.

    “Antione’s a lot more gutsy than I am, so he went there to prove those guys wrong. But lo and behold, there was truth to what they were saying!” Mick took a more serious tone, “According to him, once he got to the clearing at the end of the path, the mud tried to swallow his truck whole! Almost like it was…ALIVE!” He looked over at Ian, who was shaking a little in his seat, and continued with a smirk. “He said it even went up his tailed pipe and made his truck shut off. Just violated it from the inside out!”

    “That’s…that’s just not possible”, Ian said shakily.

    Mick shrugged. “That’s what I said. But Antione sounded SO sure! And he was pale with fear the whole damn time! I could tell he wasn’t bullshittin’ me.”

    “So even though Antione already tried and failed”, Ian said, “you’re gonna do the same thing??”

    “Damn right”, Mick stated, pointing toward his gear. “But don’t fret. I’M goin’ in prepared.”
    Mick barreled down the path heading to the “cursed” bog. The closer they got to the clearing, the muddier the path became. VROOOOOOOOOOOM, VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! Mick gave his jeep more gas, but it took everything he had just to keep it from sliding into a ditch. At one point the ground became so soft that Mick’s jeep began to slowly sink in the mud.

    “C’mon, dammit!” he growled as he pounded the gas with his logger boot.


    His rear tires spun wildly through the muck, before gaining traction and continuing down the muddy path.

    Ian slowly rubbed himself while Mick struggled through the soft dirt road. He’d been moaning softly over the sound of the jeep’s loud motor, so Mick didn’t notice until he came to a stop.

    “Wow, you’re really going at it”, he remarked.

    Ian looked over at Mick’s grinning face and blushed. “I-I can’t help it!” he stated. “All that struggling really got to me.”

    Mick chuckled. “Well don’t bust a nut too soon”, he said, pointing forward. “We’re finally here.”

    Before them was a wide dead end, closed off by trees. They could tell the ground was saturated.

    “It’s beautiful”, Ian remarked. He opened the jeep door on his side, and hopped out. He slowly sank into the mud, which went over his leather Chucks. He proceeded to take a few steps, each one harder than the last.

    “Yo, how is it?” Mick shouted.

    “It’s not too deep!” Ian yelled back. “But it’s very thick. I can barely walk through it!”

    “Get back in before it swallows you!” Mick yelled. Ian squelched back toward the jeep until he was safely back inside. He panted as he eyed his coated feet.

    “It’s pretty rough out there”, Ian remarked. “I almost lost my shoes!”

    “Whoa”, Mick replied. “This might end up being a challenge…”

    He put his jeep in reverse, and tried to back up. zzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz!! His tires were already caked with mud, so he could only go back a few yards. Then he shifted into Park, revving his engine in anticipation. VROOM, VROOM, VROOM!! He gripped the steering wheel, while Ian readied his phone to record in one hand, while stroking his hardon with the other.

    “Ready?” Mick asked Ian.

    “Yeah!” he replied excitedly. “Let ‘er rip!!”

    Mick shifted to “Drive”, and floored the gas pedal. VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! VROOM, VROOOOOOOM!! It was slow going as the rear tires struggled through the mud, but he gained enough traction to shoot forward into the dead end. He didn’t get too far in when he hit a soft spot and began sinking.

    zzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz!! zzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzzzz!! Mick put the Jeep into 4WD, then slammed his boot on the gas pedal. VROOMROOMROOMROOMROOOOOOOOOM!! He turned the wheel violently as the jeep slowly zigzagged through the mud.
    Ian was in nirvana in the passenger seat. He took it all in at once—the whining of Mick’s quickly-spinning tires, the low, loud roar of his jeep’s motor, the thumping sound his logger boot made as it slammed on the gas pedal, his frustrated growls and expletives—and moaned as he neared climax.

    When Mick saw how horny Ian was, he felt less pissed. Ian was having a good time, so he decided to follow his lead. VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! He plowed through the thick mud until he was almost at the center of the spot. VROOOOOOOM, VROOOOOOOOOOM! zzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz!!! zzzzzzzZZZZZZZzzzzz!!!

    The muck had a strong hold of Mick’s jeep. No matter how hard he pressed the pedal, his four tires spun helplessly in the mud. But by then, Mick was as horny as Ian—he didn’t care if he was stuck. He kept flooring the gas pedal with his steel toed boots. VROOOOOOOM! VROOOOOOOM! VROOOOOOOOOM! He was stroking his own dick with one hand, while stroking Ian with the other. Their grunts and moans filled the inside of the truck.

    “Mi….Mi….Mick!” Ian managed to say over the engine. “We’re sin…sinking!”

    Mick smirked at Ian, before flooring the gas again.

    zzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz!! zzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz!! zzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz!!! The whine of the tires took Ian over, and he shot cum all over Mick’s gloved hand.

    Keeping his foot pinned to the floor, Mick stroked himself even faster, before letting out a shout and blasting cum on the steering wheel.

    They looked at each other, panting, with faint smiles on their faces.

    “That…was so fuckin’ awesome!” Mick said, before roaring with laughter.

    “Yeah…I…I agree, Mick!” Ian replied. “But…what now? We’re in…too deep.”

    Mick put his jeep in Drive, and pounded the gas pedal. VROOOOOOOM!! VROOOOOOOOOM!! VROOMROOOOOOOOOOM!! zzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz!! zzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz!!! He punched the steering wheel

    “I told you”, Ian said with a slight smile.

    “Don’t worry”, Mick assured him. “I know a guy…”

    With that, Mick phoned a friend who could tow him out of the mud. A half hour later, a dark blue Super Duty truck slowly backed up towards the jeep. Once it got close enough, a tall man jumped out and approached Mick’s jeep with a cable.

    After hooking it up, he got back into his truck and pulled. A loud zzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz came from his truck’s tires as they spun in the mud. Mick was stuck deep, so it gave the heavy truck some trouble.

    zzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzz!! zzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzz!! The truck’s engine and hard-spinning tires, combined with Mick’s roaring motor as he struggled to break free, got Ian worked up again. He rubbed himself while the two trucks’ motors roared through the muck. He felt that he’d climax, when Mick finally got yanked free.

    Once Mick was back on solid ground, the driver of the truck got out and came to his window.

    “I can’t believe you came out here, even though Antione told you what happened to his truck”, the man said, shaking his head.

    “Lay off, Manny!” Mick snapped. “I just wanted to see how much truth there was to his story.” He looked over at Ian. “I also wanted to show my fan here a good time.”

    Manny chuckled. “Well, I guess I can’t blame you for being curious”, he said. He peered over at Ian. “So you’re his number one fan, huh?”

    Ian gave a slight smile. “Yeah”, he replied shyly. “He really did get me going.”

    “I see”, he said. “Well I’m off. I’ll see you later, Mickey!” Then he looked back at Ian and winked. “And hopefully our paths will cross soon too.”

    Ian began to turn red as Manny got back in his truck and drove down the soft trail. Mick followed him back to the road, then the two trucks went their separate ways.

    “So…who was that guy?” Ian asked. “A friend of yours?”

    Mick scratched his shallow beard. “Eh, kinda”, he replied. “I know Manny through Antoine. He’s been following in our muddy footsteps for about a year now. He’s pretty intense behind the wheel—way more than that pretty boy Joel.”

    “Wow”, Ian remarked.

    Mick looked at him and grinned. “Why? You wanna ride with him or something?”

    Ian blushed slightly. “I..wouldn’t mind.
    Especially with you heading north soon.”

    “Well, you’re in luck”, Mick stated. “Turns out, he’s gonna be going to your college this fall.”

    Ian lit up. “Really?!” He said.

    Mick nodded. “Just be careful with that one”, he said. “He’s sweet at first, but he likes to play rough.”

    Ian wondered what Mick meant by that. But he figured that Manny couldn’t be much rougher than Mick was.

    Mick dropped Ian off at his house, giving him a tight bear hug before he had the chance to leave his jeep.

    “Now you be a good lil fan”, Mick said. “I’ll be back before you know it!”

    Ian hugged Mick back. “I can’t wait for your return”, he replied. “Promise me you’ll keep in touch.”

    “Oh I will”, Mick assured him. “And if I end up gettin’ trapped somewhere you’ll be the first to know!”

    Ian waved as Mick took off down the street. He went inside and uploaded today’s steamy misadventure onto his site. It was without a doubt one of Ian’s new favorite moments; once Mick began to sink into the swampy muck, he began to rub one out.

    Afterward, he showered and went to bed, already thinking about what the next moment would be like.

  • @Xavier-B
    A nice story. Got a hard-on while reading it. Will there be a sequel to the story soon?

  • Yeah, I should have the next chapter out soon 💯

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